Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

What will we do with the data that you provide?

As part of our selling and buying processes When you purchase a product at our online store we collect the personal information you provide us, such as names, emails and addresses.

Your IP address will be recorded automatically when you access this site. Your IP address helps us identify your operating system and your web browser.

If you are adamant, we will send emails informing you of the newest products we offer, store openings as well as any other details.

Section 2: Consent

Does anyone know of a better method to obtain my consent than by asking me?

If you supply us with your personal details to pay, confirm your card number, conduct an online transaction or order delivery, exchange or return of items, you are implying that you consent to its use and only use solely for the reason to which you gave it.

We\’ll ask for to consent in advance or provide you the choice to deny when we ask for your data to serve a purpose that is not related, such as marketing.

Section 3: Disclosure

When we must disclose your information by law, or when you breach our terms of service.

SECTION 5. Third Party Service

The third-party service providers us use generally keep, collect and use your personal information to the extent required to provide our services.

The payment processing companies (or payments gateways) have privacy guidelines which they ask us to comply with in order to allow them complete the transaction.

It is recommended to read the privacy policies of each service provider to ensure that you understand how they plan on using your information.

Be aware that certain companies are located in or have facilities in a jurisdiction that is different from ours or yours. If you decide to make a purchase involving the services of third-party providers, your information may be subject to the laws in the countries in which the provider of services is located or has its facilities.

Section 5. SECTION 5.

We use all feasible methods to secure your information that you provide us.

Your credit card information is encrypted using Secure Socket Layer Technology (SSL), and saved using AES-256. Despite the fact that no method of electronic transmission or storage can be 100 % secure, we follow PCI-DSS requirements and industry standard.


In using and accessing the website, you represent to the owner of this website that you are either the age limit for legality of the country you reside in or satisfy it in the case where minors are considered your dependents.